Getting your portfolio off the ground
In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up your wordpress portfolio site. Additionally, I will talk about the differences between and and give you some ideas for how to go about establishing a site address. With the exception of the url (and you can always create an additional site under your login), most of your choices are not set in stone.
This offers some great tips on best practices for portfolios. A few things to remember, this is a great opportunity to showcase what you can do. If your resume TELLS potential employers what you can do, your portfolio should SHOW them what you can do. This is a chance for you to show a complete book with a range of skills. This can seem overwhelming, but remember you can always set up an individual appointment to get help.
Table of Contents:
00:06 – Setting up an account
00:29 – Create a WP account
01:21 – Login to WP and create a site
02:24 – Selecting a FREE site