Pages are accessed via the dashboard. If you click Pages, you can view a list of all your current pages. You will also want to make note of which one is set as your ‘home’ page. Often this includes additional template options. You can access the edit tools from this as well.
New pages
If you click Add New, you can create a new page. Inside the editor, you can change the publication date, set featured images, attributes and often additional templates.
The visual editor allows you many common text editor tools including paragraph styles, bold, bullets, alignment, hyperlinks,etc. The text editor will allow you to make changes in HTML.
Table of Contents:
00:06 – Working with Pages
00:26 – Page types
00:49 – Home page identifier
01:07 – Deleting pages
01:23 – Adding new pages
01:43 – Pages v posts
02:12 – Example of posts + category
03:04 – When to use pages or posts
03:54 – Viewing different pages